Tamarind, Upper Collymore Rock

Sale Price
USD $550,000
Amenities & Property Features

+1 (246) 266-2900
Contact Us at wemanagebarbados@gmail.com

Tamarind is located in Upper Collymore Rock and sits on 22,524 sq. ft. of land. Existing on the lot is a traditional coral stone and concrete structure with a single story front section and 2 story back section with a partial basement. The building was originally portioned into various offices with a kitchenette. The building is vacant and is not in a tenantable state. The lot offers adequate parking and is an ideal location for commercial use with good road frontage.
The information provided on this property is deemed reliable, however, not guaranteed.

+1 (246) 266-2900
Contact Us at wemanagebarbados@gmail.com

+1 (246) 266-2900
Contact Us at wemanagebarbados@gmail.com