The Caribbee & Staten Land

Sale Price
USD $6,600,000
Amenities & Property Features

+1 (246) 266-2900
Contact Us at wemanagebarbados@gmail.com

Caribbee Hotel is located on prime beachfront property on the South Coast of Barbados. This property is being paired with Staten Land across the street as one real estate parcel perfect for an investor looking to rebuild a hotel with parking, annex storage and facilities across the street. The structure of the current hotel offers over 20,000 square feet of covered space, the current structure will need to be removed as it is not structurally sound. Permission was previously granted for the building of a new hotel with services and parking across the road on Staten Land. Caribbee Hotel and the adjoining land are being sold as is and offer almost two acres of prime beachfront commercial real estate suitable for development of a hotel or condominium block.

+1 (246) 266-2900
Contact Us at wemanagebarbados@gmail.com

+1 (246) 266-2900
Contact Us at wemanagebarbados@gmail.com